HTTP Basic Auth username.
Should we call the on-call person?
How often should we check your website? In seconds.
How long should we wait after observing a failure before we start a new incident? In seconds.
When was the monitor created. ISO date string.
How many days in advance of your domain's expiration date you want to be alerted. = null
Should we email the on-call person?
An array of status codes you expect to receive from your website.
Should we automatically follow redirects when sending the HTTP request?
HTTP Method used to make a request.
When was the last check performed. ISO date string.
Start of the maintenance window each day. We won't check your website during this window. Example: '01:00:00'
The timezone to use for the maintenance window each day. Defaults to UTC. The accepted values can be found in the Rails TimeZone documentation.
End of the maintenance window each day. Example: '03:00:00'
The Id of the monitor group that your monitor is part of. Set this attribute if you want to add this monitor to a monitor group.
When was the monitor paused. ISO date string.
For Playwright monitors, the JavaScript source code of the scenario.
Escalation policy ID.
The port to ping.
The pronounceable name of the monitor. We will use this when we call you, so no tongue-twisters, please. :)
Should we send an a push notification to the on-call person?
How long to wait before timing out the request? In seconds.
An array of regions to set. Options: us, eu, as, au
Regions to allow
Do you want to keep cookies when redirecting?
Request body for POST, PUT, PATCH requests.
An optional array of custom HTTP headers for the request.
How long to wait before timing out the request? In seconds.
We will create a new incident if this keyword is (missing) on your page.
Should we send an SMS to the on-call person?
How many days in advance of your SSL certificate expiration date you want to be alerted. "Don't check for SSL expiration" = null
The status of the monitor.
How long to wait before escalating the incident alert to the team. Leave blank to disable escalating to the entire team. In seconds.
When was the monitor last updated. ISO date string.
The URL of your website or the host you want to ping
Should we verify SSL certificate validity?
Generated using TypeDoc
HTTP Basic Auth password.