Type alias NewMonitor

NewMonitor: {
    auth_password?: string;
    auth_username?: string;
    call?: boolean;
    check_frequency?: number;
    confirmation_period?: number;
    created_at?: string;
    domain_expiration?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 7 | 14 | 30 | 60;
    email?: boolean;
    follow_redirects?: boolean;
    http_method?: HTTPMethod;
    last_checked_at?: string;
    maintenance_from?: string;
    maintenance_timezone?: string;
    maintenance_to?: string;
    monitor_group_id?: string | null;
    paused?: boolean;
    paused_at?: string;
    playwright_script?: string;
    policy_id?: string;
    pronounceable_name?: string;
    push?: boolean;
    recovery_period?: number;
    regions?: string[];
    remember_cookies?: boolean;
    request_body?: string;
    request_headers?: ResponseMonitorHTTPHeader[];
    request_timeout?: number;
    sms?: boolean;
    ssl_expiration?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 7 | 14 | 30 | 60;
    status?: MonitorStatus;
    team_wait?: number;
    updated_at?: string;
    url: string;
    verify_ssl?: boolean;
} & (BasicMonitorAttributes | ExpectedStatusCodeAttributes | KeywordMonitorAttributes | KeywordAbsenceMonitorAttributes | TCPMonitorAttributes | UDPMonitorAttributes | SMTPMonitorAttributes | POPMonitorAttributes | IMAPMonitorAttributes)

Type declaration

  • Optional auth_password?: string

    HTTP Basic Auth password.

  • Optional auth_username?: string

    HTTP Basic Auth username.

  • Optional call?: boolean

    Should we call the on-call person?

  • Optional check_frequency?: number

    How often should we check your website? In seconds.

  • Optional confirmation_period?: number

    How long should we wait after observing a failure before we start a new incident? In seconds.

  • Optional created_at?: string

    When was the monitor created. ISO date string.

  • Optional domain_expiration?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 7 | 14 | 30 | 60

    How many days in advance of your domain's expiration date you want to be alerted. = null

  • Optional email?: boolean

    Should we email the on-call person?

  • Optional follow_redirects?: boolean

    Should we automatically follow redirects when sending the HTTP request?

  • Optional http_method?: HTTPMethod

    HTTP Method used to make a request.

  • Optional last_checked_at?: string

    When was the last check performed. ISO date string.

  • Optional maintenance_from?: string

    Start of the maintenance window each day. We won't check your website during this window.


  • Optional maintenance_timezone?: string

    The timezone to use for the maintenance window each day. Defaults to UTC. The accepted values can be found in the Rails TimeZone documentation.

  • Optional maintenance_to?: string

    End of the maintenance window each day.


  • Optional monitor_group_id?: string | null

    The Id of the monitor group that your monitor is part of. Set this attribute if you want to add this monitor to a monitor group.

  • Optional paused?: boolean

    Is the monitoring paused?

  • Optional paused_at?: string

    When was the monitor paused. ISO date string.

  • Optional playwright_script?: string

    For Playwright monitors, the JavaScript source code of the scenario.

  • Optional policy_id?: string

    Escalation policy ID.

  • Optional pronounceable_name?: string

    The pronounceable name of the monitor. We will use this when we call you, so no tongue-twisters, please. :)

  • Optional push?: boolean

    Should we send an a push notification to the on-call person?

  • Optional recovery_period?: number

    How long to wait before timing out the request? In seconds.

  • Optional regions?: string[]

    An array of regions to set. Options: us, eu, as, au

    Param: regions

    Regions to allow

  • Optional remember_cookies?: boolean

    Do you want to keep cookies when redirecting?

  • Optional request_body?: string

    Request body for POST, PUT, PATCH requests.

  • Optional request_headers?: ResponseMonitorHTTPHeader[]

    An optional array of custom HTTP headers for the request.

  • Optional request_timeout?: number

    How long to wait before timing out the request? In seconds.

  • Optional sms?: boolean

    Should we send an SMS to the on-call person?

  • Optional ssl_expiration?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 7 | 14 | 30 | 60

    How many days in advance of your SSL certificate expiration date you want to be alerted. "Don't check for SSL expiration" = null

  • Optional status?: MonitorStatus

    The status of the monitor.

  • Optional team_wait?: number

    How long to wait before escalating the incident alert to the team. Leave blank to disable escalating to the entire team. In seconds.

  • Optional updated_at?: string

    When was the monitor last updated. ISO date string.

  • url: string

    The URL of your website or the host you want to ping



  • Optional verify_ssl?: boolean

    Should we verify SSL certificate validity?

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